Accelerating Australia to a prosperous, zero-emissions future

We are an independent think tank. Our optimistic and compelling solutions inspire industry, political decision-makers, and regional communities to accelerate climate action and turbo-charge Australia's shift to the zero-emissions economy.

Our work helps create a cleaner, fairer, safer, and stronger future.

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Volunteer Powered

We're powered by a wide network of engineering, science, economics, business, finance and communications volunteers.

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Influential Engagement

We conduct deep industry engagement and showcase real-world examples of climate solutions in regional communities to influence decision-makers.

Real-world projects

Ambitious Research

We publish highly credible, non-partisan research that unlocks economic, environmental and social benefits.

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Compelling Communications

We promote solutions that address concerns about decarbonisation and build public understanding that a zero-emissions future is in our individual, economic and national interest.

Latest news & events

Discover Australian clean technologies with the Cleantech Showcase

We have Australian clean technologies ready to scale up so that we can speed up deployment to accelerate Australia towards a zero-emissions economy. Explore clean technologies by sector.

Cleantech Showcase

National Action Plan

Our plan for decarbonising industry to create a prosperous, zero-emissions Australia.

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What is a Renewable Energy Industrial Precinct?

Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts (REIPs) give our manufacturers a global edge - they also attract business and investors, support industries and secure jobs in our regions.

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Deploying clean technology to rapidly reduce emissions

A national clean tech rollout can cut Australia's emissions by up to 81% by 2030, with many additional benefits.

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Our Million Jobs Plan report shows how, in just five years, renewables and low emissions projects can deliver 1.8 million new jobs in the regions and communities where these are needed most.

View the Million Jobs Plan

Who is Beyond Zero Emissions?

Beyond Zero Emissions is an independent think tank creating solutions for a prosperous, zero-emissions Australia. We publish research on solutions that unlock economic potential for industries, regions, and communities.

About us

What makes us unique

1. We’re optimists

We’re getting on with the job of working with leaders in business, politics and community  to roll out plans that preserve regional Australia’s place as the engine of our economy.

2. We’re non-partisan and independent

We tell a good news story with broad political appeal: that Australia will prosper in a zero emissions future. Our work resonates across the political divide. We don’t receive funding from universities or political parties.

3. We’re researchers for the real world

Our plans tell the story of how changes in infrastructure, technology, manufacturing and policy can create new industries and thousands of jobs, lower power bills and decarbonise our economy.

4. We’re volunteer-powered

Beyond Zero Emissions is the only Australian think tank powered by a wide network of volunteers that willingly give their expertise in engineering, science, economics, business, finance and communications to create climate solutions.

5. We collaborate for impact

We coordinate closely with other organisations to ensure we complement and reinforce each other’s work and amplify our collective impact.

Our Supporters

"Ampcontrol is at the forefront of a lot of innovative engineering. We are already working extensively in the renewable energy sector and support a Renewable Energy Industrial Precinct here in Gladstone."

Rod Henderson, MD & CEO

"MolyCop is committed to further reducing the carbon emissions associated with our products and operations and Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts here the Hunter will help us achieve that."

Michael Parker - Pres. Australiasia, MolyCop

"We believe that the Hunter Valley can benefit from it's strong manufacturing heritage and workforce to become a renewable energy powerhouse for export to the world."

Joss Kesby - CEO, Diffuse Energy

"MGA Thermal believes the high level of skilled labour, intrinsic knowledge, academic rigour and infrastructure make the Hunter the perfect location to export emission-free manufacturing products to the world."

Arden Jarrett - Marketing Manager, MGA Thermal

"Australia’s competitiveness and prosperity in the clean energy economy depends on the success of the Hunter. We look forward to supporting a REIP in our region and securing the Hunter’s rightful position as Australia’s clean energy capital."

Alice Thompson - CEO, Committee for the Hunter

"The Renewable Energy Industrial Precinct is critical to showing how sustainable zero emission manufacturing can be achieved. Alpha HPA are pleased to support the Renewable Energy Industrial Precinct in Gladstone."

Rob Williamson, COO, AlphaHPA

"We see our 100% renewable superhybrid projects providing firm green energy, green hydrogen and peaking power as an important part of the energy mix for a Renewable Energy Industrial Precinct in Gladstone."

Michael Myer - Chairman, Sunshine Hydro

"Smart Energy Council supports the development of Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts because they provide excellent opportunities for heavy industry and renewable energy resources to benefit each other."

Wayne Smith - External Affairs Manager, Smart Energy Council

"RayGen can manufacture our technology in a Renewable Energy Industrial Precinct, and use that same technology to supply the precinct with affordable, baseload power, creating and supporting local jobs."

Will Mosley - Chief Commercial Officer, RayGen

Our latest research

We work with industry, policymakers and communities to unlock the best solutions to accelerate Australia's path to a zero-emissions economy.

Help us fast-track Australia's transition to a zero-emissions economy

Our work is made possible by the generous support of our donors, volunteers and supporters.

From loyal supporters who make regular small donations, right through to incredible philanthropists who match us in passion and ambition, every gift helps us deliver independent, ambitious research and climate solutions.

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