Why investing in our grid is a priority for Australia

July 19, 2024

We want an affordable, sustainable and fair energy transition for all Australians

Today we launch ‘Why investing in our grid is a priority for Australia’ – a guide from an alliance of organisations who recognise the need for Australia to decarbonise its energy sector and that transmission plays a critical role in that shift.

We want an affordable, sustainable and fair energy transition for all Australians, including First Nations peoples, regional communities, farmers and workers. But we cannot achieve this without an upgraded electricity grid.

As ageing coal-fired power stations retire, an upgraded grid will allow us to connect in more renewable energy to keep the lights on. This will also open the door to delivering cheaper electricity, unlocking skills and training opportunities, and delivering a boost to local supply chains.

That’s why we are working together to lead calls for urgent investment in our grid infrastructure build-out.

“Regional communities deserve to benefit from Australia’s shift to renewable energy, but without upgrades to our grid those benefits won’t flow,” says RE-Alliance National Director Andrew Bray.

Beyond Zero Emissions CEO Heidi Lee said: “Renewable energy like solar, wind and batteries are crucial to get clean, affordable energy to our homes, businesses, factories and farms. Our Supergrid research shows how important transmission infrastructure is to enable the benefits of the energy transition to flow to the communities most affected by the shift. This important guide highlights the principles for good transmission design, so that we’re benefiting nature and communities as we build our future.”

Why investing in our grid is a priority for Australia’ covers why we need to prepare for Australia's future power needs, ensure energy reliability and affordability, include broad and local economic benefits, properly involve regional communities, and why household and large-scale energy generation are both required.

The guide was based on the principles agreed by The Alliance, including: regions at the centre; grids and thriving nature; the importance of free, prior, and informed consent with First Nations people; ensuring local jobs and a skilled workforce through collaboration with unions and industry. 

The alliance was formed by Nexa Advisory with support from RE-Alliance to create shared understanding and a unified voice on the importance of grid infrastructure. The Alliance comprises:

  • RE-Alliance
  • The Australian Conservation Foundation
  • Beyond Zero Emissions
  • The Climate Council
  • Environment Victoria
  • Electrical Trades Union
  • Farmers for Climate Action
  • The Nature Conservation Council of NSW
  • The World Wide Fund for Nature – Australia
  • Nexa Advisory

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