Over ten years of real-world impact

We use our unique volunteer business model to punch above our weight. We attract highly credible experts from industry, business and the community to our work, and coordinate their input with a team of professional staff. Our research, impact and achievements can be seen across national, regional and local levels.

Impact Report 2023


Impact Report 2022


Research leading to policy & industry change

We are solely focused on creating a tangible impact on the world, through policy and industry engagement.

Our team went to Latrobe Valley to check out all the amazing cleantech developments happening right now. Victorian companies are already producing heatpumps, key infrastructure and providing supply-chain services for our offshore wind projects.

Jul 2024

Latrobe Valley's Clean Energy Future

Our team went to Latrobe Valley to check out all the amazing cleantech developments happening right now. Victorian companies are already producing heatpumps, key infrastructure and providing supply-chain services for our offshore wind projects.

The world’s clean technology future can be made in Australia. Make it Here: Building Australia's Clean Industrial Future shows that if we take bold action to boost Australian manufacturing capabilities and grow five onshore cleantech supply chains, $215 billion in cumulative revenue and up to 53,000 additional ongoing jobs could be created by 2035.

May 2024

Make it Here: Building Australia's Clean Industrial Future

The world’s clean technology future can be made in Australia. Make it Here: Building Australia's Clean Industrial Future shows that if we take bold action to boost Australian manufacturing capabilities and grow five onshore cleantech supply chains, $215 billion in cumulative revenue and up to 53,000 additional ongoing jobs could be created by 2035.

We had the privilege of attending this year’s Budget lock-up representing BZE as one of a handful of environmental NGOs to be invited to this exclusive preview of the Budget. We saw some of our recommendations reflected in the initiatives and policies announced, even though some areas fell short of the scale of investment needed.

May 2024

Response to the Federal Budget

We had the privilege of attending this year’s Budget lock-up representing BZE as one of a handful of environmental NGOs to be invited to this exclusive preview of the Budget. We saw some of our recommendations reflected in the initiatives and policies announced, even though some areas fell short of the scale of investment needed.

Senior Project Manager Dr Heidi Edmonds represented Beyond Zero Emissions at the Senate Inquiry into the Net Zero Economy Authority Bill. Dr Edmonds spoke about how the NZEA will support workers and business in our regional industrial heartlands such as Gladstone by facilitating investment in the infrastructure and industry that is necessary for the transition.

Apr 2024

Net Zero Economy Authority Bill

Senior Project Manager Dr Heidi Edmonds represented Beyond Zero Emissions at the Senate Inquiry into the Net Zero Economy Authority Bill. Dr Edmonds spoke about how the NZEA will support workers and business in our regional industrial heartlands such as Gladstone by facilitating investment in the infrastructure and industry that is necessary for the transition.

We connected with key players in and around Kwinana, Western Australia and produced a series of videos showing that the Kwinana region of Western Australia has long been a centre for mining and energy exports, as well as how a Kwinana/South-West REIP would build on the region's existing mining, energy, and manufacturing expertise and support the emergence of future-focused clean industries.

Feb 2024

Faces of the Energy Transition in Western Australia

We connected with key players in and around Kwinana, Western Australia and produced a series of videos showing that the Kwinana region of Western Australia has long been a centre for mining and energy exports, as well as how a Kwinana/South-West REIP would build on the region's existing mining, energy, and manufacturing expertise and support the emergence of future-focused clean industries.

Together with key representatives from government, industry and our partners from the climate movement, we launched our latest research on the opportunities for Australia in the battery supply chain and our Cleantech Showcase. The Cleantech Showcase is a nation-wide showcase of real-world technologies and the organisations making them. It provides clear evidence to help align government policies and enable investment.

Nov 2023

Australian Cleantech Spotlight

Together with key representatives from government, industry and our partners from the climate movement, we launched our latest research on the opportunities for Australia in the battery supply chain and our Cleantech Showcase. The Cleantech Showcase is a nation-wide showcase of real-world technologies and the organisations making them. It provides clear evidence to help align government policies and enable investment.

Our CEO Heidi Lee and Head of Policy and Engagement Beth Mitchell joined a diverse group of stakeholders from industry, philanthropy, think tanks, unions, research and climate organisations at Parliament House in support of the Aust Renewable Industry Package: a $100b package that aims to secure Australia’s role in a rapidly decarbonising world. Heidi and Beth briefed ministers on our work as part of a larger team with other climate organisations.

Oct 2023

Parliamentary briefings

Our CEO Heidi Lee and Head of Policy and Engagement Beth Mitchell joined a diverse group of stakeholders from industry, philanthropy, think tanks, unions, research and climate organisations at Parliament House in support of the Aust Renewable Industry Package: a $100b package that aims to secure Australia’s role in a rapidly decarbonising world. Heidi and Beth briefed ministers on our work as part of a larger team with other climate organisations.

"Newcastle and the Hunter’s Energy Evolution" is an initiative of Out Of The Square and Beyond Zero Emissions. The video series champions clean technology, innovation, Australian manufacturing and renewable energy is available to watch online at https://www.energyhunter.com.au

May 2023

Newcastle and the Hunter's Energy Evolution

"Newcastle and the Hunter’s Energy Evolution" is an initiative of Out Of The Square and Beyond Zero Emissions. The video series champions clean technology, innovation, Australian manufacturing and renewable energy is available to watch online at https://www.energyhunter.com.au

BZE collaborated with the Australian Government to exhibit regionally-based Australian manufacturers, including high purity aluminium, modular solar, renewable energy storage and more at the world’s biggest annual climate conference, COP27.

Nov 2022

COP27 Egypt

BZE collaborated with the Australian Government to exhibit regionally-based Australian manufacturers, including high purity aluminium, modular solar, renewable energy storage and more at the world’s biggest annual climate conference, COP27.

Beyond Zero Emissions partnered with Hunter Innovation Festival to present a renewable energy showcase that featured local companies raising the bar for Australia and for the world, including Ampcontrol and 3ME Technology, two of only eight winners of the global Charge On Decarbonization Challenge 2022.

Oct 2022

Hunter Innovation Festival

Beyond Zero Emissions partnered with Hunter Innovation Festival to present a renewable energy showcase that featured local companies raising the bar for Australia and for the world, including Ampcontrol and 3ME Technology, two of only eight winners of the global Charge On Decarbonization Challenge 2022.

Heidi Lee joined a panel at Parliament House with Senator David Pocock, Saul Griffith and Netherlands Ambassador to Australia Marion Derckx for a discussion about the US Inflation Reduction Act before an audience of Senate and House Members. Heidi demonstrated the role that Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts will play in Australia’s clean-energy future.

Oct 2022

Briefings in Parliament

Heidi Lee joined a panel at Parliament House with Senator David Pocock, Saul Griffith and Netherlands Ambassador to Australia Marion Derckx for a discussion about the US Inflation Reduction Act before an audience of Senate and House Members. Heidi demonstrated the role that Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts will play in Australia’s clean-energy future.

Deploy is a five-year plan for an ambitious rollout of clean technologies that will drive down emissions and build a prosperous Australia. Our report shows how we can create up to 195,000 jobs and repower Australia’s manufacturing regions - all while reaching an 81% emissions reduction by 2030, supported by target carbon drawdown.

Oct 2022


Deploy is a five-year plan for an ambitious rollout of clean technologies that will drive down emissions and build a prosperous Australia. Our report shows how we can create up to 195,000 jobs and repower Australia’s manufacturing regions - all while reaching an 81% emissions reduction by 2030, supported by target carbon drawdown.

The campaign’s key message was: “Protect Gladstone jobs by repowering manufacturing with renewable energy” and featured a short-run Gladstone newspaper ad series in March and then a larger six week multichannel campaign (broadcast TV, catch-up TV, radio, online video, online image ads, social media and outdoor) in April.

Apr 2022

2022 Election Advertising Campaign

The campaign’s key message was: “Protect Gladstone jobs by repowering manufacturing with renewable energy” and featured a short-run Gladstone newspaper ad series in March and then a larger six week multichannel campaign (broadcast TV, catch-up TV, radio, online video, online image ads, social media and outdoor) in April.

Our CEO Heidi Lee and Chair Eytan Lenko briefed ministers and shadow ministers on our work on Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts in the Hunter and Gladstone regions at Parliament House Canberra.

Mar 2021

Parliament House Briefing on REIPs

Our CEO Heidi Lee and Chair Eytan Lenko briefed ministers and shadow ministers on our work on Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts in the Hunter and Gladstone regions at Parliament House Canberra.

Business 3ME Technology designs and supplies battery systems and supports Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts in the Hunter, NSW.

Feb 2021

3ME Technology to support REIPs

Business 3ME Technology designs and supplies battery systems and supports Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts in the Hunter, NSW.

Our business and industry experts panel together at the launch of The Hunter Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts.

Jan 2021

Panel: The Hunter REIP

Our business and industry experts panel together at the launch of The Hunter Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts.

In 2021, we launched our Million Jobs Plan to repower Australian manufacturing through Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts - like in Gladstone and The Hunter.

Jan 2021

Briefing: Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts

In 2021, we launched our Million Jobs Plan to repower Australian manufacturing through Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts - like in Gladstone and The Hunter.

Following the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, we released The Millions Jobs Plan, outlining more than one million new, secure, well-paying jobs, that will rebuild our economy and secure a strong future for all Australians. Meetings with federal government officials followed, as did public support from some of Australia’s most influential leaders in business and politics

Jan 2020

The Million Jobs Plan

Following the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, we released The Millions Jobs Plan, outlining more than one million new, secure, well-paying jobs, that will rebuild our economy and secure a strong future for all Australians. Meetings with federal government officials followed, as did public support from some of Australia’s most influential leaders in business and politics

In partnership with Ironbark Sustainability, this tool provides greenhouse gas emission profiles at the municipal, Federal Electorate, and state level. Through offering a snapshot of local emissions, communities, decision makers and councils can continue to reduce emissions at the speed and scale required.

Sep 2019

Snapshot Climate

In partnership with Ironbark Sustainability, this tool provides greenhouse gas emission profiles at the municipal, Federal Electorate, and state level. Through offering a snapshot of local emissions, communities, decision makers and councils can continue to reduce emissions at the speed and scale required.

Collie at the Crossroads showed the future for Collie (WA) and fossil fuel communities all over Australia is bright, if they seize the opportunities in this global move to a low carbon economy.

Jan 2019

Collie at the Crossroads

Collie at the Crossroads showed the future for Collie (WA) and fossil fuel communities all over Australia is bright, if they seize the opportunities in this global move to a low carbon economy.

The 10 Gigawatt Vision showed how renewable energy can power jobs and investment in the Northern Territory. This stunningly successful project led to a major pivot in the NT government’s climate and economic policies. The NT's 2019 climate policy directly references our work, with BZE Chair Eytan Lenko later appointed to the Territory Economic Reconstruction Commission in 2020.

Jan 2019

The 10 Gigawatt Vision

The 10 Gigawatt Vision showed how renewable energy can power jobs and investment in the Northern Territory. This stunningly successful project led to a major pivot in the NT government’s climate and economic policies. The NT's 2019 climate policy directly references our work, with BZE Chair Eytan Lenko later appointed to the Territory Economic Reconstruction Commission in 2020.

Electrifying Industry shows how manufacturers can replace fossil fuels with renewable electricity and eliminate up to 8% of Australian emissions. This world’s first
report showcased five all-electric industrial heat technologies that can be used in the manufacturing of everyday products such as food, paper, bricks, plastic and steel. We launched to a high-powered audience of industry, government and academic leaders, and were subsequently invited by ARENA to develop our Zero Carbon Factory proposal.

Jan 2018

Electrifying Industry

Electrifying Industry shows how manufacturers can replace fossil fuels with renewable electricity and eliminate up to 8% of Australian emissions. This world’s first report showcased five all-electric industrial heat technologies that can be used in the manufacturing of everyday products such as food, paper, bricks, plastic and steel. We launched to a high-powered audience of industry, government and academic leaders, and were subsequently invited by ARENA to develop our Zero Carbon Factory proposal.

Rethinking Cement inspired change in the construction sector with dozens of consultants meeting monthly to implement changes in the way concrete is specified based on our recommendations. Following the release of the report, we were also engaged by road construction company Transurban to advise on how to reduce carbon emissions in its cement.

Jan 2017

Rethinking Cement

Rethinking Cement inspired change in the construction sector with dozens of consultants meeting monthly to implement changes in the way concrete is specified based on our recommendations. Following the release of the report, we were also engaged by road construction company Transurban to advise on how to reduce carbon emissions in its cement.

Zero Carbon Australia: Electric Vehicles showed the shift to 100% electric vehicles in Australia is both feasible and affordable within 10 years, and provides a range of environmental, health and other benefits to the economy.

Jan 2016

Electric Vehicles

Zero Carbon Australia: Electric Vehicles showed the shift to 100% electric vehicles in Australia is both feasible and affordable within 10 years, and provides a range of environmental, health and other benefits to the economy.

Written by Richard Keech and Beyond Zero Emissions, 'The Energy-Freedom Home' shows how we can liberate ourselves from non-renewable and costly sources of energy. It's a practical guide for the average Australian home on how reduce electricity bills with the help of nine effective energy-saving solutions laid out by Australia’s energy efficiency experts. With Australian households on average spending $2000 a year on gas and electricity bills, find out how you can live in an energy efficient home that’s cheaper to run and friendly to the environment.

Aug 2015

Energy Freedom Home

Written by Richard Keech and Beyond Zero Emissions, 'The Energy-Freedom Home' shows how we can liberate ourselves from non-renewable and costly sources of energy. It's a practical guide for the average Australian home on how reduce electricity bills with the help of nine effective energy-saving solutions laid out by Australia’s energy efficiency experts. With Australian households on average spending $2000 a year on gas and electricity bills, find out how you can live in an energy efficient home that’s cheaper to run and friendly to the environment.

Zero Carbon Communities was BZE’s grassroots initiative designed to encourage and support local communities to create their own pathways to a zero emissions future.

Mar 2015

Zero Carbon Communities

Zero Carbon Communities was BZE’s grassroots initiative designed to encourage and support local communities to create their own pathways to a zero emissions future.

With the title of our Renewable Energy Superpower report, we were the first to coin a phrase that has since become mainstream. It painted an exciting vision of how Australia can base an export industry on renewable energy instead of fossil fuels.

Jan 2015

Renewable Energy Superpower

With the title of our Renewable Energy Superpower report, we were the first to coin a phrase that has since become mainstream. It painted an exciting vision of how Australia can base an export industry on renewable energy instead of fossil fuels.

Zero Carbon Australia: Land Use and Forestry showed how Australian greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and forestry can be reduced to zero net emissions within 10 years through mitigation and sequestration.

Jan 2014

Land Use: Agriculture and Forestry

Zero Carbon Australia: Land Use and Forestry showed how Australian greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and forestry can be reduced to zero net emissions within 10 years through mitigation and sequestration.

Zero Carbon Australia: High Speed Rail demonstrates that high speed rail between Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane would provide clean, efficient, affordable and comfortable transport that would reduce travel emissions and service 80% of Australia’s population who live along the east coast.

Jan 2014

High Speed Rail

Zero Carbon Australia: High Speed Rail demonstrates that high speed rail between Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane would provide clean, efficient, affordable and comfortable transport that would reduce travel emissions and service 80% of Australia’s population who live along the east coast.

Zero Carbon Australia: Buildings Plan showed how Australia could halve its energy use from buildings, wipe out energy and gas bills and transform our homes and workplaces to provide greater comfort with lower energy bills.

Jan 2013

Energy Efficient Buildings Plan

Zero Carbon Australia: Buildings Plan showed how Australia could halve its energy use from buildings, wipe out energy and gas bills and transform our homes and workplaces to provide greater comfort with lower energy bills.

Repowering Port Augusta was a blueprint for replacing coal with solar and galvanised a successful five-year community campaign. Port Augusta has since become a renewable energy hub with more jobs in renewables than it ever had in coal.

Jan 2012

Repowering Port Augusta

Repowering Port Augusta was a blueprint for replacing coal with solar and galvanised a successful five-year community campaign. Port Augusta has since become a renewable energy hub with more jobs in renewables than it ever had in coal.

Stationary Energy Plan was our pioneering first report that changed the conversation on renewables in Australia, introducing to governments, businesses and communities the then groundbreaking possibility of an Australia powered on 100% renewable electricity. It was launched by Malcolm Turnbull and three years later led to an AEMO study into an 100% renewable scenario.

Jan 2011

Stationary Energy Plan

Stationary Energy Plan was our pioneering first report that changed the conversation on renewables in Australia, introducing to governments, businesses and communities the then groundbreaking possibility of an Australia powered on 100% renewable electricity. It was launched by Malcolm Turnbull and three years later led to an AEMO study into an 100% renewable scenario.

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