Lauder Institute places climate solutions think tank BZE in world’s top 100

January 31, 2017

Beyond Zero Emissions has been ranked the 52nd Best Independent Think Tank in the world by The Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) of the Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania

Beyond Zero Emissions has been ranked the 52nd Best Independent Think Tank in the world by The Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) of the Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania.

Beyond Zero Emissions is one of only six Australian think tanks to be ranked in this category.

Beyond Zero Emissions CEO, Vanessa Petrie said “This is wonderful recognition for our flagship project – Zero Carbon Australia – which is showing us that a rapid transition to a zero emissions economy is not only necessary, but also achievable, affordable, and has many benefits.”

“It is also testament to our wonderful network of volunteers, with over 150 professionals powering our national research and education program.”

“Our exciting new project, the Zero Carbon Industry Plan, continues our innovative research by showing that everyday materials such metal, plastic and cement can be made without greenhouse gas emissions.”

Beyond Zero Emissions congratulates fellow Australian independent think tanks who were also ranked in the Best Independent Think Tanks category: Australian Institute of International Affairs; Centre for Independent Studies; Lowy Institute; Australian Strategic Policy Institute and the Grattan Institute.

The Lauder Institute prepares the Global Go To Think Tank Index Report annually to acknowledge the important contributions and emerging global trends of think tanks worldwide.

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