Webinar | Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts: Briefing Papers

May 4, 2022

Securing a strong future for Australian industries, fuelled by renewables

Join us for a detailed exploration of what is needed to repower manufacturing and energy in Central Queensland and the Hunter.

In April this year, Beyond Zero Emissions published briefing papers that set out more clearly than ever the pathway to establishing a Renewable Energy Industrial Precinct (REIP) in two of Australia’s key manufacturing regions: Gladstone, Queensland and New South Wales’ Hunter Valley.
In this webinar, you’ll meet BZE’s Project Manager for Queensland, Dr Heidi Edmonds, and Project Manager & Engagement Lead for the Hunter, Sam Mella, as they present their respective REIP roadmaps in detail.

They’ll be joined by Rod Henderson, CEO of Ampcontrol – a Hunter-based company providing electrical and equipment solutions to heavy industry around Australia and the globe. Hosted by BZE CEO Heidi Lee, this is sure to be an insightful, practical discussion on how we can unlock the enormous jobs & investment potential of these regions.

The webinar will close with a 10-minute Q&A session, where you’ll get the chance to put forward any unanswered questions about REIPs you may have.

Webinar Recording

Webinar Slides

Presentation Slides - Ampcontrol

Presentation Slides - Sam Mella, Hunter REIP

Presentation Slides - Dr Heidi Edmonds, Gladstone REIP

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