February 2015
Electricity generation using fossil fuels and carbon capture and storage (EFF-CCS) will not be deployed at significant scale, is not a viable way to mitigate climate disruption, and is unnecessary and dangerous. Hopes that EFF-CCS might one day be successful are not a reason to delay Australia’s or any other country’s urgent transition away from fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy.
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) has been promised for many years and is the favoured option of fossil fuel companies. These companies have used the promise of CCS to: delay the development of renewable energy, offer hope to the coal industry, and delay action on climate change. The reality is - renewable energy is already cost-competitive – in some instances cheaper – than new-build fossil fuel generators.
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) has been promised for many years and is the favoured option of fossil fuel companies. These companies have used the promise of CCS to: delay the development of renewable energy, offer hope to the coal industry, and delay action on climate change. The reality is - renewable energy is already cost-competitive – in some instances cheaper – than new-build fossil fuel generators.
Hopes that EFF-CCS might one day be successful are not a reason to delay Australia’s or any other country’s urgent transition away from fossil fuels and to 100% renewable energy.