Fast-tracking ISP could create 200,000 jobs

July 30, 2020

Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE) has welcomed the Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) Integrated System Plan (ISP) that has identified a pathway for an affordable, reliable and cleaner National Electricity Market (NEM)

Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE) has welcomed the Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) Integrated System Plan (ISP) that has identified a pathway for an affordable, reliable and cleaner National Electricity Market (NEM).

“The ISP is a win-win. It’s a win for our NEM and a win for job creation. The BZE Million Jobs Plan identified that over 200,000 jobs could be created over the next five years by accelerating the rollout of transmission infrastructure and renewable energy zones described by the ISP,” said Eytan Lenko, Chair of BZE.

“The focus of the ISP on Renewable Energy Zones and distributed energy resources will be critical in order to electrify and digitise Australia’s manufacturing – and will have the added benefit of being the lowest cost source of energy. Fast-tracking these projects will be a critical enabler of Australia’s economic recovery from COVID-19.

“In implementation and beyond, jobs in upgrading transmission lines, renewable energy zones as well as the flow on jobs in manufacturing, infrastructure and construction, will be exactly what the Australian economy needs for the next decade of growth.”

Beyond Zero Emissions is one of Australia’s most respected energy think-tanks. We produce independent research that shows how Australia can thrive through a transition to a zero-emissions economy.

The Million Jobs Plan maps out a bold job creation framework through:

  • The acceleration of new energy transmission and storage projects to unleash an abundance of cheap, clean energy and position Australia a true global renewable energy superpower.
  • Implementing a national housing retrofit program targeted at eliminating bills for 2.5 million low-income households.
  • Building 150,000 new zero-energy social housing dwellings.
  • Building electrified transport infrastructure such as electric bus fleets with localised and regional manufacturing.
  • Land restoration to help fragile ecosystems recover from the devastation of the bushfires.
  • Stimulus spending to electrify industry, creating new markets and realising the vision of Australia becoming the natural home for energy-intensive manufacturing.
  • The upgrade of our aluminium smelters to flexibly ramp up or down to run off renewables, giving them extra sources of revenue and guaranteeing long-term security for their workers.
  • The development of green steel produced with hydrogen.

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