2023-24 Pre-Budget Submission

January 27, 2022

Australia has a wealth of renewable resources and is uniquely positioned to become a significant international player in green exports. Our 2021 Export Powerhouse identified a $333 billion green export opportunity for clean commodities and manufactured goods by 2050.

This submission to the 2023-24 Federal Budget includes two proposals. Both proposals draw on our research, engagement with industry stakeholders, government agencies, and other experts.

Australia has a wealth of renewable resources and is uniquely positioned to become a significant international player in green exports. Our 2021 Export Powerhouse identified a $333 billion green export opportunity for clean commodities and manufactured goods by 2050 (almost triple the value of 2019 fossil fuel exports).

Our submission targets a fast, fair and sustainable transition to prepare Australia's economy and community to take a leading role in the global zero-emissions future. These recommendations align with existing federal policy announcements, while making clear the importance of the scale and speed of action required to secure Australia’s economic prosperity as the global economy transforms.

To realise this opportunity, we need to:

  • Rapidly roll out renewable energy. This requires a National Supergrid: connecting Australians to a zero-emissions future (forthcoming release)
  • Repower and grow heavy industry and manufacturing with renewables, using a precinct approach, Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts (REIPs)


This submission to the 2023-24 Federal Budget includes two proposals. Both proposals draw on our research, engagement with industry stakeholders, government agencies, and other experts.

Download the submission

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