Green Commodity Manufacturing

Meeting global demand for zero-carbon products.

The following products and services are ready right now to play their part in Australia’s transition:

This page was last republished on:
December 21, 2023

A zero-emissions world needs green products

Green export industries will meet surging demand for zero-carbon products, such as green steel, renewable hydrogen and ammonia, green aluminium and critical minerals that will dominate global economic growth this century.

We can be an export powerhouse, but we need to act now

Export Powerhouse analysis shows that by pursuing an ambitious ‘Go for Gold’ scenario, Australia has the potential to secure $333 billion of the global market for these growth commodities. However, we have to rapidly invest to avoid a ‘valley of death’ in our export profile. If left too late, not only will fossil fuel exports drop off as our major trade partners implement their net zero emissions pledges, other nations will capture early market share of new export industries leaving us with insufficient runway to replace the nation’s lost export income.

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We have the cleantech ready to scale up so that we can speed up deployment to accelerate Australia towards a zero-emissions economy.

Help us improve the Cleantech Showcase

The Cleantech Showcase lists examples of projects that are capable of propelling us towards a prosperous, zero emissions Australia.

This list is not exhaustive and many more comparable projects may exist.

Think we should add something? Have some feedback on the content of the showcase? Please let us know.

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