Expert Advisors

Michael was previously Head of Research at Beyond Zero Emissions, authoring many of our most influential reports including the Million Jobs Plan, Electrifying Industry, Rethinking Cement and The 10 Gigawatt Vision – How renewable energy can power jobs and investment in the Northern Territory. Michael previously worked at the Energy Transition Hub at the University of Melbourne where he published Mining to Making: Australia’s Future in Zero Emissions Metal.

Dominique is the award-winning co-author of the book ‘Designing for Hope: Pathways to regenerative sustainability’. She has worked extensively with built environment professionals in sustainable design, life cycle assessment, regenerative development, systems thinking, placemaking, and project management. She holds degrees in science and engineering and a PhD in Architecture. Dominique is a non-executive board member at Greenfleet and Trust for Nature, co-founder of Place Agency, and ex-director of Thrive Research Hub at Melbourne University.