Renewable Energy Superpower

The time for electricity reform is now

October 2015

A vision for Australia

The transition to a low-carbon world will bring major changes to the energy system, international trade and the distribution of energy-intensive production. This new era will be fuelled by $2.5 trillion of annual investment in clean energy, according to the International Energy Agency. Renewable Energy Superpower explores Australia's unparalleled advantage to generate solar and wind energy - enough to power the world for 10 years.

Australia in prime position

Australia is in prime position to create jobs and attract investment. This report explores how Australia can take advantage of three key opportunities for renewable energy superpowers: supplying renewable energy and efficiency equipment, attracting energy intensive industries and exporting renewable energy commodities.

Australia in prime position

Australia is in prime position to create jobs and attract investment. This report explores how Australia can take advantage of three key opportunities for renewable energy superpowers: supplying renewable energy and efficiency equipment, attracting energy intensive industries and exporting renewable energy commodities.

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Industry leaders support this research

Rapid decarbonisation is necessary for Australia to contribute its share of global emission reductions and avoid dangerous climate change. Early action means Australia can also capitalise on the global energy transition. To get there, we first need to rapidly decarbonise our domestic energy system.

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Main opportunities for renewable energy superpowers:

  1. US$28 trillion is expected to be invested globally in renewable energy and efficiency equipment by 2035; more than coal, oil and gas development combined
  2. The economics of renewable energy will precipitate migration of energy intensive trade expose industries, currently generated US$2.3 trillion in annual trade value
  1. Production and export of renewable energy commodities, such as biofuel, hydrogen and electricity

Australia can be a renewable energy superpower

All nations have access to renewable energy resources. This will fundamentally change the international energy trade. Energy from high quality renewable energy resources can be half the cost of energy from poor resources. Nations with abundant, low cost energy will be the energy Superpowers of the renewable energy era. Australia can be a renewable energy superpower.


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Further resources for Australia’s decarbonisation pathway